Sunday, March 1, 2009

Get a FREE Phone number from United States for the next 3 Years and receive calls.

Get a FREE Phone number from United States for the next 3 Years and receive calls.

What is Groovytel:

Groovy Tel is offering free USA landline phone numbers. When someone places a call to your number, it is transferred to your Messenger Service of choice: Google Talk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Free World Dialup or Gizmo.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The End Of BrainTel LDI - You Will Be Missed

orignal from:

The End Of BrainTel LDI - You Will Be Missed

Published by Babar Bhatti on February 18, 2009 09:30 pm under Business, Companies, Government Regulations, PTA, Telecommunications
BrainTel LDI license has been suspended by PTA. Is this the final chapter in the short but adventurous life of the famous 210-nnnn series?
A few years ago someone in Lahore showed me how they could dial a local number (210-nnnn) from Lahore and connect directly to U.S. After a bit of investigation I also signed up for the service. It wasn’t a very consistent or reliable service but having a local number was very convenient. And when it worked, the VOIP technology was absolutely wonderful and very affordable. Soon this service came under the radar and many times it came to the brink of being closed. This time it seems that it is gone for good. It was fun while it lasted.
The dispute between PTA and Braintel (as described in the pdf document) can be the topic of many posts and shows the internal strifes of the LDI industry. Braintel has some bitter complaints agains the ‘cartel’ and how the price of calls to Pakistan are set up.
Here’s one excerpt which shows the point of view of “The Authority”.
The Authority, through the Traffic Monitoring Facility installed for the purpose, noted that (i) it has during the period from 14th May, 2008 to 30th June, 2008, unauthorizedly originated 450,814 international telephony minutes (accounting for 65,482 international telephony calls) and terminated those minutes in different countries through IP address by using SIP over non-standard port 8891 (ii) from 14th May, 2008 to 30th June, 2008 it has also unauthorizedly terminated 2,442,779 international telephony minutes (accounting for 339,917 international telephony calls) in Pakistan through IP address by using SIP over non-standard port 8891 and (iii) the licensee has been using its locally allocated numbers for the Lahore Region (N/S) outside Pakistan by misusing Direct Inward Dialing technique and by mapping its numbers against IP addresses, hence, these numbers are being used globally and more than 50,000 customers of the licencee are usingthese numbers in around 77 countries.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Receive faxes and voice messages without being at the office! FREE

You don’t have Fax machine … Don’t worry ….
You want to receive Faxes from Pakistan less then Rs.2.00 …..

Now you can receive unlimited faxes from any destination direct to your email.
Receive faxes and voice messages without being at the office!

Step 1:

Go to:
Or got to this page for signup:
Enter you email: must be valid email address, this s the place K7 will deliver your faxes and messages.
Re-enter you email then chose 4digit security code but make sure this not starting from “zero 0”

Step 2:

How would you like to receive your messages?
  1. Send my messages to my email and store them on K7 web site so I can access them.
  2. Do not send them to my email address. I will retrieve them on the K7 web site.
  3. Send them to my email address only. Do not post them on the K7 web site.
I chosed first option

Step 3 :

In what file format do you want to listen to your K7 messages?
  1. GSM: a small file with lower sound quality but faster download.
  2. PCM: a larger file with better sound quality but slower download

* if you want fax and messages to be received via email. ( I don’t want messages so its really doesn’t matter to me even GSM pr PCM)

Step 3:

How would you like your account set up?

  1. Fax and Voice Mail (personal greeting and default message)
  2. Fax and Voice Mail (personal greeting only if available)
  3. Fax Only (fax tone only, no message)
*I chose Fax only (because I’m not interested in messages, I have IPKALL to receive voice calls from Pakistan and worldwide Free)

Step 4:

Select a plan:
  1. Regular Nationwide Plan (can receive calls from anywhere)
  2. WA State Only Plan (can only receive calls from Washington State

*I chose first option, so I can receive faxes from anywhere..

Step 5:

Submit your request and you will receive you USA based fax number dedicated to you and redirected to your email address.

Give this fax number to your family and friends and start receiving faxes for free …..

Have a good day..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How to make free calls to US and Canada

If you already have an account of IPKALL and working fine on your VoIP device or soft phone worldwide, and you already started receiving free calls from Pakistan and rest of the world.

Then this is the time to get more benefit out of it… what if I say you can receive and make unlimited calls to USA and CANADA free of charge……. Yes you heard right….. Totally free…. To you and to your friend in USA or Canada…..

It’s as simple as 123

So just go to this is a free service that makes it easy and safe for people to call you.


1: type your name to create a web address to give to peoples and click on Get Started

2: type your first name, last name, email, any password for this site and your IPKALL number (USA peoples type your own landline or mobile number) and click on create page

3: That’s it…… you have successfully created your anonymous number to distribute among your friends and family or post this address on your web site or any online blog without reviling your number to everyone.
How to call….

Simply your friend will go to your created web address like
Then he or she will type USA or Canada number without +1 or 001 and click on Call SoftSmith

It will ring your friend’s number first if he or she will answer this phone then it will ring yours .... and both parties will connect free for unlimited period.

TIP of the day……
If you are in Saudi Arabia and you want to call XYZ in USA or CANADA then play small trick….
Let’s say you are ABC in Saudi Arabia and your numbers is +1360XXXXX and your friend is living in USA or Canada is XYZ and his number is +1245XXXXXXX , when you are creating web address instead of putting your number to register put your friend number ie XYZ +1245XXXXXX and create account , this site is not required any verification.
When you place a call to XYZ the put you number 360XXXX and place call it will ring your phone first and then your friends, isn’t cool???……
Don’t create so many web accounts just edit your profile to call another party this will take less than 20 seconds.

Allah Hafiz.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Unlimited calls From Pakistan

How to make a call from Pakistan in less than RS 02.00 and receiving in Saudi Arabia at no additional cost on internet telephone or PC. If you have DSL at home in Saudi Arabia you can receive free calls from Pakistan (or all over the world) form any telephone.

**Please contact me or leave a comment in this post if you want help!

***your comments will encourage me to provide more tips to call Pakistan and all over the world so please keep posting.

As you know that USA is placed in zone 1 of call tariff in Pakistan and its only RS. 2:00 a minute or If you call from mobile phone it is even cheaper. Moreover if you have subscribed to friends and family packages like Telnor or Zong then it may be RS 0.75 per minute.

PTCL international call tariff:
Zone 1Rs 2:00 / Minute
Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, UK, USA.

You can also take this benefit and start receiving calls as you are virtually in Zone 1 by having virtual USA number redirected to your SIP (VoIP) account. (And getting USA number is free)…….. sounds good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

So here is the catch…….

If you are living in Saudi Arabia and your family is in Pakistan then you can get inbound USA number for free that will ring on your existing VoIP adapter or computer via internet. If you don’t have free VoIP account don’t worry, many VoIP providers are providing free SIP VoIP accounts (I will show you how to get SIP VoIP and how to configure step by step.)

Things you need if you are in Saudi Arabia:
1.) Internet connection (high-speed more than 128kbps)
2.) VoIP SIP account any service provider (FWD, Gizmo, Voxalot or static IP address) I am using TPAD account Free
3.) US inbound number (IPKALL) free
4.) VoIP adapter or computer with free soft phone (I am using Linksys PAP2T with normal telephone without computer.) ( use any free soft phone like x-lite).

Step 1:
Register with any free VoIP account. I registered with TPAD , confirm your account and if you want to use computer to receive calls then download and install free soft phone from Tpad and make some test call (Tpad to Tpad is free). Don’t worry you are not using tpad services to call Pakistan this is just a transporter.

Step 2:
If you have your tpad, gizmo, or FWD account ready then go to for free US inbound number. This service lets you receive FREE calls over the Internet from any phone, anywhere, any time!Click on Signup and fill the form below:

SIP phone number: will be your VoIP number.
If you are using TPAD then add *8142*TPadNumber.
SIP proxy: use your VoIP sip proxy.
If you are using TPAD then your proxy will be
Email address: use any valid email address (IPKALL will send you number to this email address)
Password: chose any password

IPkall will take 24 hours to activate your phone number and this will ring on your VoIP account mean if you created tpad account and configured in your PC then all inbound calls will be directed to your TPAD account.

Note: if you don’t want to use computer to receive calls use Linksys PAP2T and setup your tpad account and bypass computer.Let me know if you want to know how to receive phone calls on PAP2T.

IPkall number is direct PSTN phone number, you can give this number to your family in Pakistan or all over the world, people will call you and will pay USA call charges and you pay nothing.

Next subject: will be how to make free calls to US and Canada using IPKALL account.